Cat's Eye Gemstone

Cat's Eye is the gemstone that has been recommended for 7 date borns. The 7 born are those who are born on the 7, 16, 25 dates. Number 7 in numerology is governed by a Neptune planet that is partially influenced by the Moon which is number 2.

What is the problem with the number 7?

People with ruler number 7 are emotional, sensitive, and lonely and they are very much likely to get depressed in life. In my experience, I have discovered that the number 7 in numerology is the synonym for the word "mood swing". Some number 7s are spiritual and they have great intuition power and that's why they do great in sports. Many other number 7s are confused in life and they take time to make even little decisions in their lives.

Advantages of Cats Eye Gemstone

Helps in Spiritual Enhancement

In numerology, it is believed that the more spiritual a number 7 is the more successful he becomes. Number 7s do not even need to become spiritual but they are spiritual by birth. Wearing Cats Eye gemstone can help them to become even more spiritual and help them to live a happy life.

Nullify Stress and Anxiety

In numerology, numbers 2, 6, and 7 are more likely to get depressed and have mental issues. They are over-sensitive as well and this sensitive nature makes them moody and creates problems in their love life. Wearing a Cats eye gemstone can be proved as a solution to nullify stress and anxiety in number 7s. Not only the number 7s but any date borns that are facing depression or mood swings can wear cat's eye.

Good for a stable business

Since number 7 borns are moody and they get irritated in their daily life, they find it difficult to run a business and deal with other people. If you are a number 7 and you are associated with any kind of business then you must wear a Cats eye to calm your mind. Before making a ring or pendant, you should first keep the stone with you for around 2 weeks and check what kind of vibration you get after keeping the stone with you.

It has a great Physical Healing Power

Number 7s have great intuition power but some number 7s are physically weak. They fall sick very often or get injured by an accident. If you are a number 7 and you fall sick or meet with an accident very often then you should also wear Cat's eye to stay safe and recover from your injury.

Protects from negative energy

Number 7 and number 2 in numerology are more likely to attract negative energy and they might end up losing everything by making a small wrong decision. If you are also facing such an issue then wearing Cats eye can help you make the right decision and helps you distance yourself from the negative energy.

Cats eye gemstone is found in many countries like Brazil, China, India, Chile, and many parts of Africa. Amongst all these countries Sri Lanka is the biggest exporter of this stone.

If you are a number 7 and you are looking to purchase a Cats Eye Gemstone then you can order a Cats Eye gemstone at the most affordable price from us.

Order Cat's Eye



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