Red Coral

The red coral gemstone is recommended to those whose date of birth adds to the number 9. Those who are born on the 9, 18, and 27 dates should wear red coral gemstones. number 9 in numerology is ruled by the planet of passion, energy, aggression, defense, and the planet Mars.

What's Wrong With Number 9?

Number 9 is generally considered as the number of aggression, fire, and war, and as a matter of fact, this era is not the era of war. People who influence Mars are naturally aggressive, angry, passionate, and always ready to take charge. Due to this aggressive nature many number 9 fail in personal life and professional life.

Advantages of Red Coral Stone

Controls Anger

Many number 9s face anger issues and they run their mouth first and mind later. Due to this aggressive nature, they face several issues in their professional life and personal life. Wearing a red coral can help the wearer control anger and help them to think and make decisions with peace of mind.

Improves Financial Condition

Many number 9s struggle with money and if they are into any business then also they end up losing big. They are not diplomatic and they cannot keep their ego aside while making big decisions. Also, when they are in their lucky years, they become successful with such an attitude but as soon as they enter their number 4 and 8 years, they end up losing all they gained during their lucky years. Red Coral helps the number 9 to be stable when it comes to finance.

Good for Marriage

Numbers 4 and 9 face the most issues in their married life. number 4s because of their eccentric nature and behaviors and number 9 because of their aggressive behavior toward their life partner. The vibration from red coral generates a positive bond between the spouses and helps them live a happy life together.

Improves Health

When number 9s are in their unlucky years, there is a high probability that they might meet with an accident, undergo surgery, or face issues related to blood. Red Coral protects against the negative impact on health and helps the wearer to live a safe life.

Who Should Not Wear Red Coral?

All those whose date of birth adds to 4 and 8 should avoid wearing red coral. Those whose date of birth are 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, and 31 should not wear this stone. Even those who are born on a 9 date should also wear this stone only after a recommendation from an astrologer. One should avoid wearing this stone without consultation with a Numerologist or Astrologer.

Red Coral is widely available in the Western Mediterranean, Adriatic Sea, North Morocco, and South Portugal.

If you are looking for a Red Coral Gemstone then you can order a red coral by contacting us. We offer pure red coral stone at the most affordable price.

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