How Numerology Can Help Your Business Grow?

If you are planning to start a business or you are already into any kind of business then you might know about the "luck factor". To achieve any milestone in life, we need 99% hard work and 1% luck. With the help of numerology, one can achieve success by getting the luck factor on their side.

Here, in this article, I share how numerology can help your business grow to greatness easily.

Numerology for Business Checklist

✓ Find out your lucky numbers for business

✓ Sync your business name with your lucky numbers with name numerology

✓ Check which years of your life are favorable period

✓ Bring the total of your bank account number, phone number, your name, to your lucky numbers

✓ Choose your lucky colors

✓ Wear Stones

Find out your lucky numbers for business

Based on your date of birth, you can find out the planets that influence you the most. Based on the planets that influence you the most, you can determine the combinations of numbers that can be lucky for you. These lucky numbers bring positive vibrations and prosperity to your life. You can use our numerology calculator tool which is developed by the concepts of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning. On top of it, this is a free app.

Sync your business name with your lucky numbers with name numerology

Each letter in the alphabet represents a particular number. So, if we convert each word into numbers and add these numbers then we can find out the total of a name. To get the advantage of numerology, it becomes very important to bring the total of your name to your lucky numbers. For name numerology, you can use the same numerology calculator to sync your business name to your lucky numbers.

For example, Elon Musk is a number 1 and 7 combination and his lucky numbers are 4 and 7. And if you check the name numerology of Tesla then it adds to number 7. Not only that, in the year 2020, Elon Musk made huge money and the stock price of Tesla Increased almost 8 times.

Check which years of your life are favorable period

Based on your date of birth and by an in-depth calculation, it is possible to say which years of your life are going to be good. When you are in your lucky years, you can make big decisions for your business and make new investments. There is a high probability that you might earn big from these investments. And when it is your bad time, you should avoid taking risks, and avoid making big investments. Not only for business, but you can also consider this period for your personal life as well.

Bring the total of your bank account number, phone number, your name, to your lucky numbers

Just like syncing your business name with your lucky numbers, it is very beneficial to bring the total of your name to your lucky number. This will bring positive vibrations when you meet different people or go out for a meeting. Along with your name, you can also consider bringing the total of your phone number and bank account number to your lucky numbers. If you are planning to buy or rent a new office space then do consider opting for an office number that adds to your lucky number.

Choose Your Lucky Colors

I asked many people their favorite colors and almost 50% of people said that they love black. However in numerology, black color is not lucky for everyone. The people with a certain combination of numbers have black as their lucky number. If black belongs to your unlucky color and still you wear black, drive a black color car, or prefer dark shades in your room interior then luck won't favor you. In fact, this will bring bad luck.

So, it is very important to wear your lucky colors, drive a car that is painted with your lucky color, and use your lucky colors in your website's main theme.

Wear your lucky stones

Lucky stones can bring positive vibrations and can help you overcome various issues related to health, finance, and relationships. There is a specific stone for each number and planet. You can also wear a stone based on your date of birth.

So, these are the simple ways to grow your business with the help of numerology. If you do not know about your lucky numbers and want to generate an in-depth numerology report then you can always use our numerology calculator which is available for free.

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