Number 4 in Numerology

Do you know there is a word for the fear of number 4 in psychology? Yes, the fear of the number 4 is called "Tetraphobia". This term is used for those who have a fear of the number 4. Many people and even numerologists believe that the number 4 is the number of bad luck and struggle however this is not completely true. In this article, I'm going to discuss every single fact about the number 4 and who should use the number 4, and for whom number 4 can prove to be magical.

Number 4 is ruled by Uranus planet and number 4 people are naturally eccentric, rebellious, and have a different mindset in seeing the world. For that reason, many times, they are misunderstood by others. With their different mindset, they are real magicians and they can complete any difficult task. Whenever I think of number 4, I remember Heath Ledger who played the best joker role and won Oscars for that role.

Good Things About Number 4

The best thing about number 4 is nothing but their original ideas and working in their style. This quality makes them problem solvers and inverters. Along with that, I have also observed that number 4 people just do not give up. Number 4s are blessed with a robust mind and if they use their strong mind for the betterment of this world then the sky is the limit for them.

Bad Things About Number 4

Number 4 people are very stubborn and ambitious. This may distance them from their loved ones and they struggle in their married life. Many number 4 people are short-tempered and they do not think twice before abusing anyone. They are disciplined and expect everyone else to be disciplined as well. Number 4s like to argue and raise a question about the authority but not their friends and family members want to argue every time.

Is number 4 actually unlucky?

No, I do not believe that number 4 is unlucky. I believe that the number 4 is the number of change and unexpected events but that does not considered as unlucky. For example, Barack Obama is number 4 and he is the first African-American president of the United States of America. Barack Obama is the only black president of the US and he is a number 4. Vladimir Lenin, the man who brought communism to Russia and changed history is a number 4. There are many endless examples where the number 4 people have made history and brought unexpected changes.

For Whom Number 4 is lucky?

Using the number 4 can be really helpful for the zodiac signs like Gemini and Virgo. The 45th US president Donald J. Trumps is a number 5 and a Gemini. His name adds to the number 49(4+9=4). To bring the total of his name to number 4, Donald Trump added J in his name and made it Donald J. Trump. Johnny Depp is yet another Gemini and his name total comes to number 4. So, number 4 can be proven to be lucky for Geminis and Virgo.

Those who have the number 7 as their destiny number can also use the number 4 for better luck. Along with the number sevens, number 1s, and Leo zodiac sign rulers can also use the number 4 for better luck.

Number 4 can be very beneficial for those who are into app development or internet business. One of the most popular online money transfer companies Paypal's name total comes to number 22(4). Apart from that, Netflix, also the internet giant's name total comes to 31(4).

Another example, I would like to share is Tesla and Elon Musk. Elon Musk's destiny number is 7 and Tasla's name total comes to number 7. The year 2020(4) was a disaster for many but not for Elon Musk. The stock of Tesla went from $60 to $300 in the year 2020 giving a return of around 400% in just one year.

Chart for a Number 4

Number 4 Ruling Planet Uranus
Lucky Numbers for a number 4 1, 7
Compatible Spouse Number 1, 2, 7
Lucky Number in Sports 10, 16, 34, 37
Lucky Dates of Any Month 1, 2, 7, 10, 11, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 28, 29
Numbers to Avoid 8, 9
Lucky Colors Orange, Yellow, Gold, Brown
Preferred Career Science, Innovation, Acting, IT, Politics, Research, Sports
Stone Hessonite

So, this is the basic information about the number 4 in numerology however this reading is very basic. To be able to make the most accurate prediction about number 4, a full date of birth is required from the user's end. If you have the full date of birth then you can easily use our numerology calculator and check predictions with more accuracy.

Number 4 compatibility with other numbers

Here is the compatibility chart for a number 4 with other numbers based on numerology.

Number 4 (4, 13, 22, 31) Compatibility Per Number










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